noscriptWood Turning & Carving Tools | Cromwell Tools

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Wood turning and carving tools are handheld woodworking tools that are used to create and sculpt objects from wood. Here at Cromwell, we stock range of wood turning and carving tool sets from leading supplier Senator.

Why wood turning and carving tools?

Wood by nature is at its strongest at the wood grain direction, therefore woodworking process of wood carving and wood turning processes can differ depending on the quality of the wood grain.
Therefore, wood turning and carving tool sets have been specially made for strength and durability and supplied in a comprehensive range of carving tools and turning tools necessary for you wood working project.

Wood turning and carving tool types

There are various types of wood turning and carving tools that are used in a variety of woodworking process used by sculptors, woodworkers, carpenters, joinery, workshops, hobbyists, and model makers to name a few.

Gouges  -   this is a carving tool with a curved cutting edge design. This is the most commonly used carving tool. Used in variety of sizes and forms for carving rounds, hollows and sweeping curves.
Chisels  -   this craving tool that has a straight cutting edge which is usually at right angles or square to the sides of the blade. Varieties include square chisels and skew chisel types that are used for cleaning up flat surfaces and lines.
V-parting tools  -   this type of tool has a V-shaped cutting edge that is used for parting wood and in flat line work.
Veiner spoon bits  -   this tool has a U-shapes small cutting edge. Tools known as round nose and diamond point.


What material are wood turning and carving tool made of?
The handles are typically made form a lacquered wood and the blades are made from alloy steel or high speed steel (HSS).

How can I store my wood turning and carving tools?
Wood turning and carving tool are commonly supplied in a hardwearing, protective presentation case, usually made from wood.

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